Chapter 5 : Conversation with Rain

Renunciation : What to renounce Material World or Desires?

Rain, Let us pray my child. May you continue with your discipline & devotion. May you perfectly get establish in stage of peace, Sanatan(Cosmic bliss), Samadhi.

Salutation to soul! Salutation to Supersoul! Salutation to holy sages!

Rain we proceed further with the story. King Sikhtavya  tried many means of attaining liberation. He was still thinking may be by bathing in water present in material world which are declared holy by people, observance of religious rituals, giving charity etc he may attain liberation. These all could not set him free from the worries of mind. At last he decided to leave the palace and go to forest. He thought it would be Renunciation and by this way he may attain peace & liberation. He went to Queen and said, “ O my beloved, You are very valiant, intellectual, accountable , In absence of me you can handle all affairs of kingdom perfectly with no doubt. My mind is not in peace here and I have decided to renounce all these comfort and with my basic clothes, waterpot & mat I am departing to forest. I want to give up everything in this world. I want to settle down in forest and want to live there peacefully. Illusion of wealth will not disturb me there. Many seeker from ancient time has departed to forest in search of liberation by renouncing all. So I think that the highest stage the cosmic bliss is attainable in forest, So let me Go.

The Queen Said, “ I never interrupt in your decisions, I always pray your mind attain peace & you attain perfect establishment of mind in highest stage of cosmic bliss. But I request you to do not go. This path is slow process. It is attainable in long years with disciplined regular practice followed by devotion. Everything ripe at time. For your soul, the merging time has not come yet.

The King said, “ I will prefer this time too you do not interfere with my plans. As a Queen it is your duty to administrate the kingdom wisely in absence of King. I expect that from you. I will start my journey tonight. Kindly inform to the Ministers & near ones that I am going for a secret mission.  

That night king left to the forest. He walked for 15 days. On the way he crossed mountains, rivers, beautiful pools, wild flowers, gardens. Reaching at one place he found very serene . Near by there was fruit tree, flowers plants, fresh water river,relaxing sound of river water, a hill & beautiful waterfall & thrilling sound of waterfall. He thought to set up residence here. He brought bamboos from nearby and made a hut with bamboo & leaves. He set up a place for meditation. Also collected some fruits to eat. He set up his schedule after relaxation.

A Day of 24 hours is divided in 8 pehars. Each interval is 3 hours.

1st pehar of day he gave for religious practice.

2nd pehar of day he spent in bathing, singing,

3rd pehar of day he spent in gathering flowers for worship & fruits and leaves for self to eat.

4th pehar of day he spent in worship by offering flowers, fruits, pranayama,

5th Pehar of day he spent in mantra chanting , out of 6th,7th & 8th pehar he chosen two pehar for sleep and one more pehar he spent in mantra chanting. Thus the king set us his schedule.

Queen at palace was taking care well of all King responsibilities but she knew king verdict was not right. She pitied the king and wants to know how & where he settles down in forest. In this story it is said by Guru Vashista that Queen attain psychic power and she was able to levitate in air, So she levitated and went toward forest. From sky she saw her husband and then she thought she will not disturb him. It will be better to let him master himself; The struggle of life is also a blessing. This time for king is to struggle, saying that she returned to palace without knowing the king.

For Eight years she ruled wisely, peacefully,with equal justice to all she sorted out all affairs at palace. Kingdom & people were happy there. But the poor king was suffering in forest with a life of penance.

Again Queen thought to visit the forest and see her husband again. Hence she went again to forest by levitation power. She saw a feeble, browbeaten, dejected old man is sitting. She could not recognize that he was her husband. But soon she discovered with attentive vision on that old man that it was he, Her husband, King Sikhtivya.

She thought if she tell about her powers & Atmic vision now to her husband , he will reject her advice as he did not listen any advice of his wife at palace. So she thought to change her form into a Sage to accomplish her purpose . Queen realize that time has come for king to attain Atmic vision after doing long years tapas but as she knew king will trust to the discourse of a Sage but not to his wife,so she Changed her form as a Old sage and appeared in front of King.


Rain, rest story in next class, It is very interesting so be on time to hear it. I hope you enjoyed, May you attain divine fruit like Queen Chundalai and perform your all duties in society with disconnection and detachment with material world and completely connected with peace & bliss all the time.   


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