
अष्टावक्र और राजा जनक, आध्यातमिक सम्वाद

 राजा जनक को आत्मा तत्व जानने और नाम पाने की इच्छा थी। वे अपनी सभा में गयानी जन जिन्हे संसारी लोग गुरू कहते थे,उन्हे न्यौता अक्सर दिया करते थे।अब तक राजा जनक को कोई भी गयानी मन से गुरू बनाने के लिए नहीं प्रभावित नही कर पाया। एक दिन एक सभा में अष्टावक्र आए जो शरीर से कोढी थे।  अष्टावक्र ने कहा, हे राजन मैं आत्मा त्तव को जानता हूं, आप कोई भी प्रशन मुझसे पूछे।यह सुन वहां बैठे जो स्वयं को गुरू कहते थे और आत्मा तत्व का गयान देते थे, जोर से हंसे और कहा तुम अभी कम उम्र के हो, शरीर से ठीक तरह खडे भी नही हो सकते, तुम नाम विद्या क्या जानो।यह सुन अष्टावक्र ने कहा,  हे राजन जिन्हे आप गुरु समझ रहे है ये तो  मोची समान  है जो जूता सिल तो लेते है परन्तु जिन्हे चमडे का गयान नही।मह सुन राजा जनक चौक गये और कहा क्या तुम मेरे प्रशनो का उतर दोगे। नाम अमोलक रत्न प्रापत करने के जिगयासु राजा जनक, बालक अष्टावक्र से पूछते हैं - हे गयानी, मैं तुम्हे सच्चे मन से प्रणाम करता हूं, कितने वर्ष से गुरू और गयान की तलब और तलाश है मुझे, अब विशवास हुआ है के तलाश खत्म होने को है।  कृपा करके बताए ज्ञान की प्राप्ति कैसे होती
  आ यार मिल ले सार मेरी, मै दसा इशक कर मैं इशक विच मैं मिलाई, मैं मैं विच मिलिया ते हुन मैं सुख पाई

sai bulleh shah poem

Baba Bulleh shah was a sufi saint who attained Knowledge of Soul & Supersoul. When our soul get ready to move toward supersoul in our body it start attaining skills like poetry,playing instrument, in that stage BABA bulleh shah has written poems after uniting soul to supersoul once, this experience make someone true Yogi,true Mystic, One of the Hymn is with translations उलटी गंग बहाइओ रे साधो, तब हर दरसन पाए । प्रेम दी पूनी हाथ में लीजो, गुझ्झ मरोड़ी पड़ने ना दीजो । गयान का तक्कला ध्यान का चरखा, उलटा फेर भुवाए । उलटे पाउं पर कुंभकरन जाए, तब लंका का भेद उपाए । दैहंसर लुट्ट्या हुन लछमन बाकी, तब अनहद नाद बजाए । इह गत गुर की पैरों पावें, गुर का सेवक तभी सदाए । अंमृत मंडल मूं तब ऐसी दे, कि हरी हरि हो जाए । उलटी गंग बहाइओ रे साधो, तब हर दरसन पाए । Meaning of poem : Our Breath has tendency to go downward from Nose toward stomach, but by practicing meditation we can make this flow opposite , opposite means instead of going downward this breath will move upward from nose toward forehead and

IsoUpnishad : The Science of Soul

Conversation with Rain ; Chapter 8 , IsoUpnishad Rain , Let us pray. OM Sat Chit Anada Par Brahma, Purshotma, Parmatma, Sri Bhagwati Sametha, Sri Bhagwate Nameh, Hari Om Tat Sat, Hari Om Tat Sat, Hari Om Tat Sat , Hari OM Rain : Mother, What is the meaning of this prayer. Neetu : Rain , this prayer is written in Sanskrit by a realized sage in ancient time, The meaning I translate for you as per my inner experience & my intellect.  O Divine ! You reside in each being. In the temple of my body, I meditate upon your female & male form. Bless me so that I could merge with truth. By knowing truth one attains the goal of human life and possesses divine qualities. Then with purity and divine qualities we can know thou art & can witness the Supreme abode where souls attain Cosmic pleasure which is greater than all worldly pleasure as only it brings permanent peace & contentment. Today I will tell you Iso Upnishad : ईशा वास्यमिदं सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत्‌। तेन त्यक्तेन भुञ्जी
  Chapter 7 : Conversation with Rain  Accepting Guru & Birth of Discipleship in Mind : The only means to attain liberation.  Rain, May all good be yours. May you continue your practice with discipline & devotion. Muni told two stories to Sikhtvaya and explained the hidden meaning which was related to the King. The n Muni Said, O King, without a spiritual teacher , the Atmic Wisdome cannot be obtained. O King Even if one has the Atmic Wisdom but follows his duty of action is the best. When we perform actions without selfishness , slowly we discard our impure desires. It is impure desire which direct us to sinful performance. Pure desires does not lead us to any wrong doings, When wrong doing is not performed by our mind then only good actions bring heavenly bliss, peaceful mind. If you will know that all is Brahmna, then your ignorance will be destroyed. Your impure desires will cease. You will be able to control your anger, pride, lust, ego. Slowly ego will be killed. Impure
 Story of chintamuni  & Captured Elephant Chapter 6 : Converstaion with RAin  May you continue your discipline & devotion on this Path. May you perfectly establish in peace, Samadhi, Cosmic bliss. Listen carefully, What happened when Queen changed her form into a Sage and appeared in front of King. Queen in form of sage came where King was sitting. King was practicing meditation but on his forehead only sign of worries was visible. Still sage waiting for him to open eyes. After an hour king open his eyes and gaze at Sage. Sage was spreading divine rays and king was keen interested to talk to him. King woke up from his seat and paid homage to the sage. Sage too returned due respect to the King. King Said, I am glad to see you, I am able to sense some divine rays from your form. By your visit here, I may get benefit. Sage said: You are in this forest performing high tapas, you have given up everything for sake of liberation. The one who follow the path of liberation, what
  Chapter 5 : Conversation with Rain Renunciation : What to renounce Material World or Desires? Rain, Let us pray my child. May you continue with your discipline & devotion. May you perfectly get establish in stage of peace, Sanatan(Cosmic bliss), Samadhi. Salutation to soul! Salutation to Supersoul! Salutation to holy sages! Rain we proceed further with the story. King Sikhtavya   tried many means of attaining liberation. He was still thinking may be by bathing in water present in material world which are declared holy by people, observance of religious rituals, giving charity etc he may attain liberation. These all could not set him free from the worries of mind. At last he decided to leave the palace and go to forest. He thought it would be Renunciation and by this way he may attain peace & liberation. He went to Queen and said, “ O my beloved, You are very valiant, intellectual, accountable , In absence of me you can handle all affairs of kingdom perfectly with no doubt